Gaborone, Botswana: Incredibly busy and productive day

I must have woken up on the hard working side of the bed today because by 7:30 am I was ready for a full day’s work and I had to hold myself back till 8:00am because that’s when the centre opens. I took in three banana loaves that I baked last night so the catering students could have a treat.

I worked on several documents today and had most of them completed by 4:00pm. I composed several letters – a promotional letter that we can send to businesses in the area telling them about our services; letters to floral, restaurant and fabric suppliers asking for donations of remnants, extra veggies or flowers that cannot be sold but are still usable; a certificate of program completion. Then there are several documents in progress – a programme for our graduation/open house/website launch on August 31 (I’ve been nominated to be the Mistress of Ceremonies), a promotional brochure, and a proposal for funding for a social worker.

Besides that, the Inuit students and their chaperones and some WUSC staff came in for lunch today – 19 of them, plus the usual lunch customers making a total of about 30 people for lunch today. I put on my waitress hat (which I’ve recently discovered that I can wear too) and helped clean tables and serve. I’m not sure that I did a good job but the extra pair of hands came in useful. The catering students were complaining that I am too busy to spend any time with them.

In between all of this, Thandi and I went to pick up our business cards which look simple but impressive. Then at 3:00pm we had a meeting with Baagi Mmereki who is a Professor at U Botswana’s Department of Chemistry. I met him a few weeks ago and he said he had a friend at one of the big hotels in Gaborone which has several branches. I thought I would broker a meeting with our centre coordinator, the catering teacher and Baagi and it went very well. He was the first person to get one of our business cards so we hope this will bring us some luck. But just in case, we gave him a tour of the centre and showed him that in spite of our limited resources, we are doing great work. He now has enough information to take to his friend and with a great deal of good fortune we may have a new training partner for our catering students or at least a possible employer.

It was a very productive day and I can’t believe that as soon as I came home, I fed the animals and started on the funding proposal again. At least tonight I had some supper to eat. No dogs eating my dinner tonight. By the way Pat, thanks for the virtual samosas. There is a great restaurant here that makes them too. I need a break and I’ll treat myself to Food TV which I have for two more days then the cable will be cut off.

It’s suddenly gotten cold this afternoon after being quite warm this morning. I don’t know about this weather. They keep telling me this is unusual weather but I suppose after the blistering heat of the Kalahari, I’d rather layer up (that being said, there was the very cold Kalahari nights which layering up did NOT help). Off to have a nice cuppa….

1. August 15th, 2006 by PDS
I stopped by Prak’s today and he send his regards..Looks like the practice at his restaurant came in handy..
Take care
God bless

2. August 15th, 2006 by Robin Sukhan
Just reading this entry made me tired. When I come there, I hope you will get a break. I am happy that you did not have cereal for supper. Take care.

3. August 16th, 2006 by Pat Mohr
Just a short salute to say that I pray you and Robin have a wonderful time of reunion together.
God Bless,and Love,

4. August 16th, 2006 by Sharm, Trent and Sahana
No cable??? No Food TV??? What is going on???

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