Dad; birds of summer

Mom went to the hospice today and dad was having an okay day.  He called home yesterday to ask us to bring a dental instrument that he had at home because he thinks that he has something stuck in his teeth.  I called a friend in Toronto who is a denturist and he gave me some possible scenarios, one of which that he may have something stuck in his teeth but that he should not use any sharp instruments. He suggested floss sticks so I sent some with mom today.  It didn’t appear to work so we’ll try a different floss and hope that works.

Birds of summer

Mom said that the bird feeders outside of Dad’s window had what seemed like dozens of goldfinches.  I get a few in my yard each year and each year I try different foods to attract more.  They like niger seeds so I have been using that for the last couple of years.  I am looking forward to the start of Spring and the birds in my backyard.  I have 3 pairs of doves (or as Sahana used to call them “loves”).  I also have two pairs of mallards One pair builds their nest in our yard or the neighbour’s yard and last year there were 13 ducklings.  I also had a pair of robins build their nest on the light in the backyard and they had four babies.  I put a six foot ladder under the nest last year and took Sahana and Sabreena up the ladder and used a mirror above the nest (the nest was too close to the soffits to be able to just see them so I had to use a mirror) and we saw four of the most glorious turquoise robins eggs and eventually watched the babies grow up until they were too big for the nest and flew away.  I spent hours watching the parents feeding them all day.  I almost wish I could have recorded it on a video camera.

Now back to my backyard farm.  Lots of blue, red, yellow and orange headed black birds, many red ringed black birds, several rabbits, last year a deer, and this year a very annoying squirrel.  I don’t mind that he eats but he is very aggressive and won’t let the rabbits and birds eat.  Last year I got some new hummingbird feeders so I saw a few hummingbirds.  The are so cute and so tiny!  They actually eat about 30 times their weight in food each day but you can see why.  Their wings flutter about 40-80 times per second.

Canna Lilies – reminder of Guyana

Pretty in Pink

Can you tell that I am looking forward to Spring and planting my flower and kitchen garden ? Yes I am.  I call it flower/colour therapy and I get a bounty of produce and flowers that last into the Fall. 

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