
I went to the hospice this morning and took some stir fried chicken and veggies with rice, thinned out with chicken broth – but blended so it looks more like soup.  Dad will have that for dinner tonight.  That’s how his food has to be prepared now.  He was just finished eating his breakfast so I took him to the bathroom and trimmed his hair at the back of his head because the tape from the dressing hurts when it gets stuck in his hair.  I also shampooed his hair and of course I had to put some gel and comb it. 
While he was brushing his teeth, I changed the linen on his bed.  The staff does that but this way, he can start his day with a nice fresh bed.  I settled him back in bed and cleaned the counter and floor in the bathroom.  It was full of baby powder – probably from his bath this morning.  Again, the staff does it but I was worried that he would go back to the bathroom and slip on all the powder on the floor.
He was having some pain again so one of the nurses gave him some meds.  He says that he doesn’t know why sometimes he’s okay and other times he needs so much meds.  I told him that he shouldn’t worry about that.  If he needs it, he should ask for it.  I left about 8:45am and told him that mom would be there soon. 
Mom and Dad’s home is now sold.  It was on the market for a few days so that was quite quick. The buyers had no conditions for the sale and the occupancy is April 28 so that also works well for everyone.  Now it’s the packing/storing/disposing of the contents of the house.  We have 4 weeks to get it all done so we’ll have to manage our time carefully and be as efficient as possible.  I’m sure it’s going to be hard for Mom but it’s a decision that has been in the making for several years.  
This upcoming weekend is going to be hectic with packing and sorting the house and contents.  Mom wants to take us out for breakfast on Sunday so we’ll find the time to do something fun.  Then off to the hospice to meet the lawyer so dad can sign the papers for the house sale.  Tim who is the lawyer has known Dad and Mom since they first arrived in Canada  he was still going to university when his dad rented an apartment to them.  Tim and his brother both became lawyers and dad and mom have been using Tim’s services for many years.  I wanted Tim to go to the hospice to get the papers signed so he could see for himself that Dad is aware of what’s going on but there are times when he is confused – most likely from the meds he is on.  Mom is Dad’s Power of Attorney but for me, it’s important that he is involved in the house sale at every stage. 
After the hospice, it’s back to home to work on a survey I am going to be conducting for my research.  I am hoping that I’ll get about 100 teachers to respond.  Then I can carry on with my studies. It’s been stalled for some time now and it’s been a bit frustrating.  That’s my weekend.  How is yours shaping up?
Thanks for the calls from Auntie Maggie, Auntie Bauline, Indi and Uncle George (Toronto), Auntie Rosaline, Eddie, Paro, (Florida), Yvonne (Guyana), Georgie (Maryland), Uncle Deo (England), Leila, June, Pastor Jim (Winnipeg), Joanie (New York) and the countless emails from other family and friends. As you can see, there are few of us family in Winnipeg but many, many family and friends in other parts of the world that care.  We are grateful and thank you for continuing to care.  
Have a great weekend…

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One thought on “”

  1. hi sav,
    Thanks for today's update good work,keep it up.
    Tell your Mom and Dad i send regards and god blessing for them. Hope you will find lots of fun with the family breakfast,my family and a few friends are also going to one of Florida beach for breakfast this Sunday morning too, arrange by my daughter [Sally].
    I know you will take care of your mom as long she is with you,I am sending an open invitation for her to visit me anytime in the future you and your family are also welcome,if your dad was in better health he would have been in Florida right now to enjoy our 87 degree Fahrenheit weather.
    sorry to be writing under anonymous
    because i do not know what i have to do.
    your cousin Eddie

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